Delta 9 gummies are a powerful and effective cannabis-infused edible. It contains 100mg of THC per serving, which makes it very potent. As such, it is recommended that you eat it on an empty stomach to avoid any discomfort or side effects.

The manufacturer of Delta 9 gummies claims that it is safe to consume this product on an empty stomach and even you can get the best results too. The reason is that your body needs to be in a fasting state for the body to absorb all the nutrients from the gummies.

But there are many people who do not like the idea of consuming weed products on an empty stomach and have experienced severe side effects after taking this edible product without food. They believe that this can cause adverse effects such as nausea or vomiting, which are not desirable at all.

The reason behind this can be when you consume anything on an empty stomach, it either goes directly into your bloodstream or gets digested in the small intestine. In either case, there is no time for your body to process the nutrients and other ingredients present in the edible product.

However, if a person can consume Delta 9 gummies or any other edible product after eating something, this will allow sufficient time for digestion and absorption of nutrients from the food you have consumed before taking CBD gummies or any other marijuana-based edible product. This will make sure that you do not suffer from any adverse side effects due to the consumption of a marijuana-based edible product on an empty stomach.

In addition to this, there are two other factors that determine whether or not it is safe to consume Delta 9 gummies on an empty stomach: the dosage and the potency of the strain.


The first thing you have to consider when determining whether it’s safe or not to consume gummies on an empty stomach is the dosage. If you’re consuming small amounts of THC, then it’s fine but if you’re consuming more than 100mg at once then it’s not recommended. The reason is that THC can cause negative side effects such as paranoia and anxiety when consumed in large doses.

The Potency of the Strain

The second thing you have to consider when determining whether it’s safe or not to consume gummies on an empty stomach is the potency of the strain(s) you plan on taking at once. If you only have one strain in your gummy candy then this isn’t a problem because you won’t be consuming too much THC at once (unless it was over 100mg). However, if you plan on taking multiple strains at once, then it could be problematic for the health of an individual.

Also, it is important to note that the consumption of food with these Delta 9 gummies will reduce the effectiveness of the product. You need to take them at least two hours after having any meal or snacks.

If you are still worried about any possible negative consequences when consuming these gummies on an empty stomach, you can always start with a small dose first before increasing it gradually over time. You should also wait for at least 20 minutes before taking your next dose so that your body has enough time to absorb all cannabinoids present in each serving of Delta 9 gummies.